Why struggle with content 
creation when it can be 
delivered to you every day?


Soundboard For Enterprise is managed by EdgeTheory


delivers the trusted content Healthcare Social Media Managers need to fuel discovery and strengthen your healthcare reputation.

What's the best practice for social media in healthcare?  Posting trusted content.

 Google searches are health-related 

The majority of consumers reported they go to the internet first when researching information about a specific health condition or question

43% of respondents look first to a trusted health website (e.g., Mayo Clinic, etc.), when gathering information online

have researched health questions online

look to trusted health content

The mapping, sourcing, analyzing and curation of content at scale that reveals the insights and understanding of conversation intersections that connect your products and services with the interests/needs of your target audience
Our custom system identifies everything in your digital world: hashtags, key influencers, intersecting verticals, then designs content to maximize your presence, including curated 3rd party content, your original content, and creation of new content
When you click on any article, our system automatically goes in and algorithmically atomizes your content to create messages and hashtags that give your team what to say on any social media platform, blog, wherever they want to share. 
Social media teams responsible for service line groups can use this platform for atomizing content to make their job easier and the mobile view allows your physicians, colleagues, and supporters to share content in seconds

Our custom onboarding process means your content always hits the mark

We provide you trusted content that connects with your target audience
We make it easy to share, with suggested messages for each article. Including hashtags to amplify your reach
We save you time by making it easy to publish on any social platform in seconds
Soundboard is a dream come true for healthcare social media managers Soundboard delivers the trusted content you need to improve your healthcare reputation.

Soundboard Social is your customized healthcare content creator

Explore daily content from trusted sources.

Select relevant content that connects with prospects and customers.

Share smart things to say:  A library of suggested messages for each article.

Publish shareable on all social media and messaging platforms and get discovered.

Soundboard saves you time and resources to create the health content you need every day

The number one marketing task challenge today is content creation.  
Social Media Today 2019 Study

Getting Trusted Content has never been Easier

Soundboard creates, curates, and deploys content to fuel discovery

‣ We provide you fresh content every day that precisely connects with your target audience, 

‣ Our content is curated from the most trusted 3rd party sources in the world (via RSS feeds, Twitter, YouTube, Google Search) as well as your original content

‣ Our hybrid technology combines artificial and human intelligence to immediately atomize content into byte-size sharable messages, complete with hashtags to amplify reach. And the content can be published to any social platform in seconds. 

‣ Soundboard gives Social Media teams and your colleagues, physicians, or supporters a fast, efficient way to share trusted content that fuels your reputation

Over 10,000 professionals use Soundboard to create the content they need every day to grow their business.

An estimated 7 percent of Google's daily searches are healthrelated, according to Google Health Vice President David Feinberg, MD (The Telegraph)


Best Practices for Social Media in Healthcare

The use of social media in health has always had one big question lingering over it: why? 

Why should hospitals invest in social media, and why should physicians – in an era where provider burnout is a real and growing danger to the profession – add one more task to their daily routines?
If you are a hospital and think ranking on U.S. News & World Report is important, consider the single metric that had the strongest positive correlation to physician reputation was Percentage of Doctors on Twitter.
Lee Asse from the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network was recently interviewed at SHSMD of the AHA and discussed the impact of a recent study published by W2O Group.

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The biggest challenge of social media in healthcare is often the daily struggle to create enough of the relevant, quality content it takes to be heard.

The Connection between Social Media & Physician Reputation Scores in the U.S. News & World Report Hospital Rankings